One membership.
Two locations.

Parents night out is a fun filled jam packed activity night for your child who will participate in rock climbing, play games and age appropriate activities. Take advantage of this night so you can have a night off or just want your kid to participate in a fun night!
Already a High Altitude Fitness member?
Summer Hours (Memorial Day - Labor Day)
M-F: 6am-9pm / Sat & Sun: 7am-7pm
Winter Hours (Labor Day - Memorial Day)
M-F: 6am-10pm / Sat & Sun: 7am-8pm
(775) 831-4212
Incline Village, NV:
880 Northwood Blvd.
Incline Village, NV 89451
Truckee, CA :
11798 Donner Pass Road
Truckee, CA 96161